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Special Guests to Attend Wings 2018

Wings is pleased to announce that Sharlee Jeter, CEO of the Turn 2 Foundation (founded by her brother, Derek Jeter), and co-author of “The Stuff,” which correlates the elements of hope, determination, and teamwork to unlock cures will join us as a special guest at the 18th Annual Wings Gala on October 17, 2018.

Additionally, Ruth Fitzmaurice, author of “I Found My Tribe,” will read excerpts from her book, as well her husband, Simon’s memoir “It’s Not Yet Dark” (Colin Farrell narrated the 2016 documentary based on the book). Ruth will also share how she and her five children navigated their lives when Simon, a renowned writer and film director was diagnosed with ALS and how she sought solace and community support after his death a year ago.

Wings is also recognizing Chef Stephan Bogardus and Owner Claudia Fleming of the renowned North Fork Table & Inn. When Claudia’s husband, Gerry Hayden, a pioneer in the farm-to-table movement, was diagnosed with ALS, Stephan became his mentor’s hands at the restaurant. Gerry worked tirelessly to raise funds to find a cure for ALS after he was diagnosed with the disease. Stephan and Claudia continue to celebrate Gerry’s legacy and keep his spirit alive, raising funds for a cure.

WABC anchor, Bill Ritter, is hosting the Gala.