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Pat Quinn, Co-Founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge to Receive the Spirit Award at Wings 2017

The Wings Committee and the MDA are pround to announce that the 2017 Spirit Award reciepient will be Pat Quinn, the co-founder of the Ice Bucket Challenge.  Pat, who was diagnosed with ALS in 2013 just after his 30th birthday, organized Quinn for the Win and has been advocating for ALS awareness, treatments and a cure ever since.  He has received many awards for his advocacy on behalf of all those with ALS.  Wings is thrilled that Pat has accepted the 2017 Spirit Award, which will be presented at the Wings Over Wall Street Gala on October 26, 2017, at the Lighthouse, Pier 61, Chelsea Piers.  For information on how to join Wings in honoring Pat with a sponsorship, donation or to purchase tickets, please visit www.wingsoverwallstreet.org